What is Homeopathy and How Does it Work?

Homeopathy is a gentle but powerful system of medicine that uses the body’s natural processes to stimulate healing, effectively, naturally, safely and holistically.   It recognizes that symptoms of ill health are the body’s way of expressing disharmony within the whole organism (the person) and that it is the patient that needs treatment not the disease.

As your homeopath I will build up a complete picture of you including your symptoms and prescribe treatment for you as an individual, not simply for your complaint.  This is a truly holistic approach to health as we seek to address the cause of the imbalance rather than the symptoms of it.

Are homeopathic medicines safe?

Absolutely! Homeopathy is safe, gentle and non-invasive. The remedies are made from a range of substances, such as plants and minerals, and are highly refined to the minimum dose required to stimulate the body’s own natural healing systems, so they are non-toxic with no danger of overdose, addiction or side effects. They are safe for use in pregnancy, and can be used by any age group, from newborn babies onwards.

How Effective is Homeopathy?

“Homeopathy can succeed where others fail”.  It is a complete system and is so effective that in many cases, only one dose can give wonderful results. Many times homeopathy proves to be the most feasible option available in chronic (long term) diseases. It also gives excellent results in acute cases.  I would stress however, that each person’s response to the remedy stimulus is different and the duration of treatment will vary due to the nature and complexity of each case.

You may wish to follow the link to access The Society of Homeopaths Research Library to learn more.  www.homeopathy-soh.org/research/

How do I take homeopathic medicines?

I tend to prescribe Homeopathic remedies largely in either pillule or in liquid form (for babies I will use powders). The exact way of administration depends upon the medicine, its potency and the sensitivity of the patient.

How Are Remedies Selected?

Each individual is a separate entity having his/her own peculiar body chemistry. Physical, emotional/ mental levels, and normal habits are not the same for any two individuals. These are unique for each person even though the disease may apparently be similar. Therefore, according to the homeopathic system, their medicine, dose and potency is not likely to be the same. This is one major reason why the treatment is not given by the name of the disease and each individual is evaluated separately and independently.


The human body always works as one integrated unit while performing any function. Therefore, while treating an individual, he or she is to be considered as a whole. Even the habits and mental state of the individual are to be kept in view and homeopathic medicines are to be chosen according to totality of the characteristics and symptoms of the individual.


Homeopathy has a very large number of medicines on its shelf. Each of these medicines has its unique characteristics and the symptoms that it covers. There may be dozens of medicines for a particular disease but each of them cannot be used for every individual having that disease. The medicine, which has the symptoms and characteristics matching the condition/symptoms of the individual, shall only be effective. For example, Belladonna is one of the medicines for fever but it cannot be useful in every case of fever. It will be effective only if its characteristics match a particular condition of fever e.g. high temperature, sudden onset, radiating dry heat. To find an effective medicine, details of symptoms along with modalities (what makes the symptoms better or worse) are to be considered.